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When I call A ASM function in C the parameters don't appear on the stack

Ok so I have two files one is A C file and the other one is A ASM file. And their code is.

C file

void print()

ASM file

push ebp ; prolouge
mov ebp, esp
mov ah, 0eh ; set code for printing
mov al, [esp+8] ; move char into al
int 10h ; call int 10h
mov esp, ebp ; epilouge
pop ebp

And it prints something called A triple bar. Doe's anyone know why


  • I have a Stackoverflow answer with many bootloader tips including setting up segments, the stack, and not relying on registers to have particular values etc. I have also have a Stackoverflow answer that is a simple bootloader that can load a kernel (or second stage) from a 1.44MB floppy image.

    If Int 10h/ah=0eh is printing characters and not faulting then the code you are trying to generate appears to be intended to run in real mode. You mention you are using Ubuntu don't mention if you are using a cross compiler (I highly recommend using one). The other possibility is that you are using the experimental ia16-elf-gcc compiler that can generate 16-bit real mode code that can be run on a variety of processors from the 8086 to the 80386+.

    I will assume in the absence of any additional information that you are using your native gcc compiler on Ubuntu and not a cross compiler or the ia16-gcc compiler. You should be aware that a native GCC can generate code that runs in real mode using the -m16 option but the generated code will only run on an 80386+ or better processor. Unless you go to great lengths the code generated by GCC should be placed in the first 64KiB of memory and I recommend CS=DS=ES=SS=0 for the fewest hassles. Mainstream GCC has no understanding of real mode segment:offset addressing.

    You don't really show enough of your code to know what all the problems you are encountering. One that stands out to me is in the print_char:

    push ebp ; prolouge
    mov ebp, esp
    mov ah, 0eh ; set code for printing
    mov al, [esp+8] ; move char into al
    int 10h ; call int 10h
    mov esp, ebp ; epilouge
    pop ebp

    In particular the ret will cause problems. Because GCC is generating code with 32-bit operand and 32-bit address overrides it expects that the calling function will push a 32-bit return address on the stack. In real mode a simple ret in your assembly code will return to the 16-bit address on the stack and only pop 2 bytes off rather than 4. This will cause a stack imbalance when it returns to the caller and this can lead to unpredictable results. To fix this you need to use a 32-bit operand override on the ret, so it has to be o32 ret.

    If you are calling a C function from assembly you have to ensure that you use a version of the CALL that pushes a full 32-bit address on the stack rather than a 16-bit one. Failure to do so will cause any parameters passed on the stack to be incorrectly indexed and GCC will do a ret that will expect a 32-bit return address to be popped off the stack. If you had a function called kmain (kernel entry point as an example) then you might think to encode the CALL this way:

    call kmain

    What you really need is:

    call dword kmain

    Other issues you may have to look at:

    • Ensure the segment registers are set correctly before calling into your C code
    • Set a proper stack pointer SS:SP
    • Set the DF flag to 0 (Using CLD)
    • If using floating point x87 floating point use finit to initialize it
    • Make sure the stack is aligned on a 16 byte boundary before calling any C from assembly.
    • Ensure your entire kernel is loaded in memory
    • You need to zero the BSS section out before the C code utilizes any uninitialized or zero initialized global variables
    • Ensure the code generated has the appropriate VMA/Origin point.
    • Ensure C code is not built using Position Independent Code (PIC) using -fno-pic
    • Ensure the C code is built with the -m16 option so that the instructions produced will work while running in 16-bit real mode on an 80386+.
    • Remove asynchronous unwind tables with -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables and turn off exceptions with -fno-exceptions

    As an example I'm going to use my bootloader to load a kernel at 0x7e00. The calls print_char and a simple print_string.


    STAGE2_ABS_ADDR  equ 0x07e00
    STAGE2_RUN_SEG   equ 0x0000
                                    ; Run stage2 with segment of 0x0000 and offset of 0x7e00
                                    ; Segment to start reading Stage2 into
                                    ;     right after bootloader
    STAGE2_LBA_START equ 1          ; Logical Block Address(LBA) Stage2 starts on
                                    ;     LBA 1 = sector after boot sector
                                    ; Logical Block Address(LBA) Stage2 ends at
    DISK_RETRIES     equ 3          ; Number of times to retry on disk error
    bits 16
    ORG 0x7c00
    ; Include a BPB (1.44MB floppy with FAT12) to be more compatible with USB floppy media
    %ifdef WITH_BPB
    %include ""
        xor ax, ax                  ; DS=SS=0 for stage2 loading
        mov ds, ax
        mov ss, ax                  ; Stack at 0x0000:0x7c00
        mov sp, 0x7c00
        cld                         ; Set string instructions to use forward movement
        ; Read Stage2 1 sector at a time until stage2 is completely loaded
        mov [bootDevice], dl        ; Save boot drive
        mov di, STAGE2_LOAD_SEG     ; DI = Current segment to read into
        mov si, STAGE2_LBA_START    ; SI = LBA that stage2 starts at
        jmp .chk_for_last_lba       ; Check to see if we are last sector in stage2
        mov bp, DISK_RETRIES        ; Set disk retry count
        call lba_to_chs             ; Convert current LBA to CHS
        mov es, di                  ; Set ES to current segment number to read into
        xor bx, bx                  ; Offset zero in segment
        mov ax, 0x0201              ; Call function 0x02 of int 13h (read sectors)
                                    ;     AL = 1 = Sectors to read
        int 0x13                    ; BIOS Disk interrupt call
        jc .disk_error              ; If CF set then disk error
        add di, 512>>4              ; Advance to next 512 byte segment (0x20*16=512)
        inc si                      ; Next LBA
        cmp si, STAGE2_LBA_END      ; Have we reached the last stage2 sector?
        jl .read_sector_loop        ;     If we haven't then read next sector
        mov ax, STAGE2_RUN_SEG      ; Set up the segments appropriate for Stage2 to run
        mov ds, ax
        mov es, ax
        ; FAR JMP to the Stage2 entry point at physical address 0x07e00
        xor ax, ax                  ; ES=FS=GS=0 (DS zeroed earlier)
        mov es, ax
        mov fs, ax
        mov gs, ax
        ; SS:SP is already at 0x0000:0x7c00, keep it that way
        ; DL still contains the boot drive number
        ; Far jump to second stage at 0x0000:0x7e00
        xor ah, ah                  ; Int13h/AH=0 is drive reset
        int 0x13
        dec bp                      ; Decrease retry count
        jge .retry                  ; If retry count not exceeded then try again
        ; Unrecoverable error; print drive error; enter infinite loop
        mov si, diskErrorMsg        ; Display disk error message
        call print_string
        jmp .error_loop
    ; Function: print_string
    ;           Display a string to the console on display page 0
    ; Inputs:   SI = Offset of address to print
    ; Clobbers: AX, BX, SI
        mov ah, 0x0e                ; BIOS tty Print
        xor bx, bx                  ; Set display page to 0 (BL)
        jmp .getch
        int 0x10                    ; print character
        lodsb                       ; Get character from string
        test al,al                  ; Have we reached end of string?
        jnz .repeat                 ;     if not process next character
    ;    Function: lba_to_chs
    ; Description: Translate Logical block address to CHS (Cylinder, Head, Sector).
    ;   Resources:
    ;              Sector    = (LBA mod SPT) + 1
    ;              Head      = (LBA / SPT) mod HEADS
    ;              Cylinder  = (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
    ;      Inputs: SI = LBA
    ;     Outputs: DL = Boot Drive Number
    ;              DH = Head
    ;              CH = Cylinder (lower 8 bits of 10-bit cylinder)
    ;              CL = Sector/Cylinder
    ;                   Upper 2 bits of 10-bit Cylinders in upper 2 bits of CL
    ;                   Sector in lower 6 bits of CL
    ;       Notes: Output registers match expectation of Int 13h/AH=2 inputs
        push ax                    ; Preserve AX
        mov ax, si                 ; Copy LBA to AX
        xor dx, dx                 ; Upper 16-bit of 32-bit value set to 0 for DIV
        div word [sectorsPerTrack] ; 32-bit by 16-bit DIV : LBA / SPT
        mov cl, dl                 ; CL = S = LBA mod SPT
        inc cl                     ; CL = S = (LBA mod SPT) + 1
        xor dx, dx                 ; Upper 16-bit of 32-bit value set to 0 for DIV
        div word [numHeads]        ; 32-bit by 16-bit DIV : (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
        mov dh, dl                 ; DH = H = (LBA / SPT) mod HEADS
        mov dl, [bootDevice]       ; boot device, not necessary to set but convenient
        mov ch, al                 ; CH = C(lower 8 bits) = (LBA / SPT) / HEADS
        shl ah, 6                  ; Store upper 2 bits of 10-bit Cylinder into
        or  cl, ah                 ;     upper 2 bits of Sector (CL)
        pop ax                     ; Restore scratch registers
    ; If not using a BPB (via provide default Heads and SPT values
    %ifndef WITH_BPB
    numHeads:        dw 2          ; 1.44MB Floppy has 2 heads & 18 sector per track
    sectorsPerTrack: dw 18
    bootDevice:      db 0x00
    diskErrorMsg:    db "Unrecoverable disk error!", 0
    ; Pad boot sector to 510 bytes and add 2 byte boot signature for 512 total bytes
    TIMES 510-($-$$) db  0
    dw 0xaa55
    ; Beginning of stage2. This is at 0x7E00 and will allow your stage2 to be 32.5KiB
    ; before running into problems. DL will be set to the drive number originally
    ; passed to us by the BIOS.
    NUM_STAGE2_SECTORS equ (stage2_end-stage2_start+511) / 512
                                    ; Number of 512 byte sectors stage2 uses.
        ; Insert stage2 binary here. It is done this way since we
        ; can determine the size(and number of sectors) to load since
        ;     Size = stage2_end-stage2_start
        incbin "stage2.bin"
    ; End of stage2. Make sure this label is LAST in this file!
    ; Fill out this file to produce a 1.44MB floppy image
    TIMES 1024*1440-($-$$) db 0x00


    extern void print_char(const char inchar);
    void print_string(const char *string)
        while (*string)
    void kmain(unsigned int drive_num)
        (void) drive_num;          /* Quiet compiler warning / unused variable */
        print_char('A');           /* Print A */
        print_char(13);            /* Print Carriage Return */
        print_char(10);            /* Print Line Feed */
        print_string("Hello, world!\r\nThis is a test!\r\n");


    bits 16
    global print_char
        ; Removed the prologue and epilogue code as it isn't needed
        push bx         ; BX is non volatile register we need to save it
        mov ah, 0eh     ; set code for printing
        mov al, [esp+6] ; move char into al
        xor bx, bx      ; Ensure page 0 (BH = 0), BL is color if in graphics mode
        int 10h         ; call int 10h
        pop bx          
        o32 ret         ; We need to do a long return because the return address
                        ;     the C code put on the stack was a 4 byte return address.
                        ;     Failure to get this right can corrupt the stack


    bits 16
    extern kmain
    extern __bss_start
    extern __bss_sizel
    global _start
    ; The linker script will place .text.entry before other sections.
    section .text.entry
        ; DL - drive number we booted as
        xor ax, ax         ; DS=ES=SS=0 (CS was already set to 0)
        mov es, ax
        mov ds, ax
        mov ss, ax
        mov esp, 0x7c00-16 ; SS:SP is 0x0000:0x7c00 below the bootloader
                           ; Create stack space to pass drive number as parameter and
                           ;     ensure ESP is still 16 byte aligned before calling kmain
        finit              ; Initialize x87 FPU
        cld                ; Set Direction Flag (DF) is cleared (forward movement)
        sti                ; Enable interrupts
        ; Zero out the BSS memory area a DWORD at a time
        ; since the memory isn't guaranteed to already be zero
        xor eax, eax
        mov ecx, __bss_sizel
        mov edi, __bss_start
        rep stosd
        movzx edx, dl      ; Zero extend drive number to 32-bit value
        mov [esp], edx     ; Pass drive number as first parameter to kmain
        call dword kmain   ; We need to call C functions with `dword` so a 32-bit
                           ;     return address is on the stack 
    .hltloop:              ; Infinite loop to end the kernel
        jmp .hltloop


        . = 0x7e00;
        .text : SUBALIGN(4)
            *(.text.entry)       /* Ensure .text.entry appears first */
        .bss : SUBALIGN(4) {
            __bss_start = .;
            *(COMMON)            /* all COMMON sections from all files */
            *(.bss)              /* all BSS sections from all files */
        . = ALIGN(4);
        __bss_end = .;
        __bss_sizeb = __bss_end - __bss_start;       /* BSS size in bytes */
        __bss_sizel = (__bss_end - __bss_start) / 4; /* BSS size in longs/DWORDs */
        /DISCARD/ : {            /* Remove Unneeded sections */
        __end = .;

    In order to compile/assemble/link this you can use these commands:

    # Build kernel assembly files
    nasm -f elf32 entry.asm -o entry.o
    nasm -f elf32 tty.asm -o tty.o
    # Compile the C files
    gcc -c -Wall -Wextra -m16 -O3 -ffreestanding -fno-exceptions \
        -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables -fno-pic kernel.c -o kernel.o
    # Link the files to an 32-bit ELF executable using a linker script
    ld  -Tlink.ld -melf_i386 -nostartfiles -nostdlib \
        tty.o entry.o kernel.o -o kernel.elf
    # Convert the ELF executable to a binary file that can be loaded by the bootloader
    objcopy -O binary kernel.elf stage2.bin
    # Generate the bootloader/disk image
    nasm -f bin boot.asm -o disk.img

    You can run it with QEMU using:

    qemu-system-i386 -fda disk.img

    You can run it with BOCHS using:

    bochs -qf /dev/null 'boot:floppy' \
        'floppya: type=1_44, 1_44="disk.img", status=inserted, write_protected=0'

    I recommend BOCHS for debugging real mode code. When run it should output something similar to:

    enter image description here