I have this code how select the B letter on my keyboard and I would select the a b c d e f g
I'm sure it's simple to do this but I don't know yet how to select only few letters than one or all
Can you help me change the keycode line?
new PressAndHold({
duration: 500,
keyCode: 66,
onCancel: () => $('#status-bar').removeClass('is-animating'),
onStart: () => $('#status-bar').addClass('is-animating'),
onSuccess: () => {
keepAlive: true
$('html').click(() => {
Put it in a loop?
for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
new PressAndHold({
duration: 500,
keyCode: 65 + i,
onCancel: () => $('#status-bar').removeClass('is-animating'),
onStart: () => $('#status-bar').addClass('is-animating'),
onSuccess: () => {
keepAlive: true
$('html').click(() => {
$('html').click(() => {