I make KorGE game with dragonbone animation. How to mirror this dragonbones animation? I want to character look to the right instead of the left:)
val factory = KorgeDbFactory()
val skeDeferred = asyncImmediately { Json.parse(resourcesVfs["Ubbie/Ubbie_ske.json"].readString())!! }
val texDeferred = asyncImmediately { resourcesVfs["Ubbie/Ubbie_tex.json"].readString() }
val imgDeferred = asyncImmediately { resourcesVfs["Ubbie/Ubbie_tex.png"].readBitmap().mipmaps() }
factory.parseTextureAtlasData(Json.parse(texDeferred.await())!!, imgDeferred.await())
val armatureDisplay = factory.buildArmatureDisplay("ubbie")!!.position(600, 720).scale(1)
addUpdater {
this += armatureDisplay
SCALE_X = -1 gives mirror effect
val SCALE_X=-1
val SCALE_Y=1
val armatureDisplay = factory.buildArmatureDisplay("ubbie")!!.position(600, 720).scale(SCALE_X, SCALE_Y)