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copy file from excel list with extension to other folder

I am new in VBA, so I have a list of document (with extension .pdf, .docx, etc) in excel column. What I would like to do is to copy all document in the list, from source folder to destination folder.

I already tried some code, it works but the code copy all the files in the folder instead of the file in list (The document list is only in B3:B10).

Any help really appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Sub copyfile()

Dim r As Range
Dim Jajal As Range
Dim sourcePath As String, DestPath As String, FName As String

sourcePath = "C:\Users\"
DestPath = "H:\Users\"

For Each r In Range(Sheet6.Range("B3"), Sheet6.Range("B10")) 'the list document is in the sheet6 B3:B10
FName = Dir(sourcePath & r)
'Loop while files found
Do While FName <> ""
  'Copy the file
  FileCopy sourcePath & FName, DestPath & FName
  'Search the next file
  FName = Dir()

End Sub


  • Copy Files From Range (List)

    The Code

    Option Explicit
    ' This will copy files found in a source path AND whose names
    ' are contained in a list (range), to a destination path,
    ' overwriting possible existing files.
    Sub copyFiles()
        Const SourcePath As String = "C:\Users\"
        Const DestPath As String = "H:\Users\"
        Const ListAddress As String = "B3:B10"
        ' Write file list to array.
        Dim FileList As Variant: FileList = Sheet1.Range(ListAddress).Value
        ' 'Get' first file name.
        Dim FName As String: FName = Dir(SourcePath)
        ' 'Initiate' counter.
        Dim i As Long
        ' Loop files in SourcePath.
        Do While FName <> ""
            ' Check if file name of current file is contained in array (FileList).
            If Not IsError(Application.Match(FName, FileList, 0)) Then
                ' Count file.
                i = i + 1
                ' Copy file.
                FileCopy SourcePath & FName, DestPath & FName
            End If
            ' 'Get' next file name.
            FName = Dir()
        ' Inform user.
        Select Case i
            Case 0: MsgBox "No files found", vbExclamation, "No Files"
            Case 1: MsgBox "Copied 1 file.", vbInformation, "Success"
            Case Else: MsgBox "Copied " & i & " files.", vbInformation, "Success"
        End Select
    End Sub