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How to upload .net core build artifacts into JFrog Artifactory Cloud

I have configured build pipeline for .net core application in Azure DevOps. In that I have added the Artifactory Generic Upload build task to upload build artifacts into JFrog Artifactory instead of keeping in Azure DevOps Server.

In the Artifactory Generic Upload task, I am using this file spec configuration.

  "files": [
      "pattern": "*.zip",
      "target": "generic-local" // This is my generic repository name in JFrog Artifactory Cloud

Whenever I run the build, then I am getting the below error.

> [Error] No errors, but also no files affected (fail-no-op flag).


  "status": "success",

  "totals": {

    "success": 0,

    "failure": 0



##[debug]task result: Failed

##[error]Error: Command failed: C:\hostedtoolcache\windows\jfrog\1.38.4\x64\jfrog.exe rt u --url="" --user=*** --password=*** --fail-no-op=true --dry-run=false --insecure-tls=false --threads=3 --retries=3 --symlinks=false

So, can anyone suggest me how to upload .net core build artifacts into JFrog Artifactory Cloud.


  • I have changed the File Spec like this below:

      "files": [
          "pattern": "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip",
          "target": "generic-local/generic-local/drop/" // Format: "Repository_Name/Repository_Path/Folder_Name/"

    With this File Spec configuration, I am able to upload .NET Core build artifacts into JFrog Artifactory.

    Reference documentation :