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Require authenticated user in core but require custom policy in some actions require custom policy

My core site required authentication by default

services.AddMvc(config =>
    //only allow authenticated users
    var policy = new AuthorizationPolicyBuilder()

    config.Filters.Add(new AuthorizeFilter(policy));

but for one action I would need to allow anonymous access (/Account/AddUser if there are no users in the database).

I created this custom policy which checks that the user is either authenticated or that the user db is empty.

[Authorize(Policy = "NoUsersInDatabaseOrUserAuthenticated")]
public IActionResult AddUser()
    return View();

There seems to be an AND between the global policy and this so it won't work. If I add [AllowAnonymous] the policy is not evaluated at all.

How can I replace the global policy with a custom policy for one action?


  • I ended up leaving the global authentication requirement and put AllowAnonymous on the actions. I then solved the requirement by adding code in the action that checks that the user is either authenticated or that the user db is empty.