I would like to write a RTSP streaming server using C++. Multiple clients will be connected to this server for receiving the streamed data.
What I understand is that I need to do socket programming in C++ for client server architecture.
I know FFMPEG has command line support for streaming audio/video. But my requirement is writing a client server socket model in C++.
I had a look at https://www.medialan.de/usecase0001.html
I am also looking at this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEMzo59CPr8
but I am not sure if this will help me.
For streaming the audio/video data, Do i need to use FFMEPG APIs. If yes, which libraries of FFMPEG i need to use?.
I think I will use gstreamer RTSP server. Gstreamer is easy to use. I tried sample example and I was able to stream a video over RTSP.