I have created an abstract class that implements Polly that I want to write unit tests for.
In one of my tests I want to test how my method handles certain values of PolicyResult.FinalException
Because the returned PolicyResult
is null I get a NullReferenceException
when evaluating result.FinalException
How do I mock the returned result?
What I have so far:
public class AbstractRestClientTest
private AbstractRestClient _sut;
private Mock<IRestRequestFactory> _requestFactoryMock;
private Mock<IRestClientFactory> _restClientfactoryMock;
private Mock<IPollyPolicyFactory> _policyFactoryMock;
private Mock<IAsyncPolicy> _policyMock;
private const string DUMMY_URL = "http://dosomething.com/getmesomething";
public void SetUp()
_requestFactoryMock = new Mock<IRestRequestFactory>();
_restClientfactoryMock = new Mock<IRestClientFactory>();
_policyFactoryMock = new Mock<IPollyPolicyFactory>();
var settings = new MockSettings();
_policyMock = new Mock<IAsyncPolicy>();
_policyFactoryMock.Setup(mock =>
_sut = new MockRestClient(settings, _restClientfactoryMock.Object,
public class MockRestClient : AbstractRestClient
public MockRestClient(RestSettings settings, IRestClientFactory restClientFactory, IPollyPolicyFactory pollyPolicyFactory,
IRestRequestFactory requestFactory) : base(settings, restClientFactory, pollyPolicyFactory, requestFactory) {
public class MockSettings : RestSettings
public override string Naam => "TestSettings";
------------------ EDIT 1 --------------------------------
With Nkosi's comment I got a little bit further but still PolicyResult returned by _policy.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync
is null
. This leads me to believe that there is something wrong in the way that I mock that method.
I changed my test to the following but still it returns `null``:
public async Task HandleRequest_IfFinalExceptionNotNull_ThenThrowsException()
var mockResult = new Mock<IRestResponse<int>>();
PolicyResult<IRestResponse<int>> result = PolicyResult<IRestResponse<int>>.Failure(mockResult.Object, new Context());
//Is the following mock correctly setup?
_policyMock.Setup(mock => mock.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(It.IsAny<Func<Task<IRestResponse<int>>>>()))
var url = new Url(DUMMY_URL);
Assert.ThrowsAsync<Exception>(() => _sut.GetResult<int>(url));
I evaluated the parameters needed for ExecuteAndCapture
and changed my setup for this method accordingly, what am I doing wrong?
The issue was I was mocking the wrong version of ExecuteAndCaptureAsync
, I needed to mock the method with the following signature:
`Task<PolicyResult> ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(Func<CancellationToken, Task> action, CancellationToken cancellationToken);`
So after I changes my SetUp
accordingly the test succeeded:
public async Task HandleRequest_IfFinalExceptionNotNull_ThenThrowsException()
var mockResult = new Mock<IRestResponse<int>>();
PolicyResult<IRestResponse<int>> result = PolicyResult<IRestResponse<int>>.Failure(mockResult.Object, new Context());
_policyMock.Setup(mock => mock.ExecuteAndCaptureAsync(
It.IsAny<Func<CancellationToken, Task<IRestResponse<int>>>>(),
var url = new Url(DUMMY_URL);
Assert.ThrowsAsync<Exception>(() => _sut.GetResultaat(url, new CancellationToken()));