Search code examples

Second Order SOQL SOSL Injection SFDC

I am getting error in Checkmarx.

Method abortJob at line 209 of XXX/classes/Monitoring.cls gets user input from the select element.
This element’s value then flows through the code without being properly sanitized or validated, and is eventually used in a database query in method jobAbortRem at line 209 of XXX/classes/Monitoring.cls.
This may enable an SOQL Injection attack.

              Source                                Destination   
File          XXXX/classes/Monitoring.cls           XXXX/classes/Monitoring.cls
Line          212                                  217
Object        select                               select
public static void abortJob() //line no. 209
    list<CronTrigger> detailId=[select id FROM CronTrigger
                                where (CronJobDetail.Name='myJobName') AND NextFireTime = null]; //line 212
    if (detailId.size() > 0)
        Id jobId = [SELECT Id from CronTrigger WHERE id = :detailId].get(0).Id; //and line 217 

Help me on this how can I pass the Checkmarx review.



  • Use the escapeSingleQuotes method to sanitize each element of the detailId (I would suggest renaming this) collection

    public static void abortJob() { 
        list<CronTrigger> detailId=[select id FROM CronTrigger where (CronJobDetail.Name='myJobName' ) AND NextFireTime =null];
        Id jobId ; 
        for (CronTrigger currentCron : detailId) { 
            jobId = String.escapeSingleQuotes(currentCron.Id); 
        if (jobId !=null) { 

    Here's the Salesforce Secure Coding reference that will be useful

    You might also wanted to try this type of loop to go about each item of the query result