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Completely change obj folder location in c# project

MSBuild is strange

I already tried this and another answer and I also tried this one

After that, I changed <IntermediateOutputPath> and <BaseIntermediateOutputPath> and <OutputPath> in the .csproj file but...

It keeps creating this piece of strange stuff in the old obj folder (I don't use nuget)


I have already read about Visual Studio legacy workflow causes this behaviour but do any workarounds exist?

My current .csproj file:

<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

    <ProjectReference Include="foo\dependency.csproj" />



  • Solved by creating Directory.Build.props file in the root of project with:


    Very dirty and non-obvious microsoft-style hack

    Found here

    Is there any good .NET compiler for windows without penetrating youself?