I have developed a WPF app with a local SQL Server database using Entity Framework code-first.
After replacing my old connection string with the new one in app.config
, how do I run all migrations to the new, remote database?
Do I need to change anything with the Entity Framework tag in app.config
<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient"
type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
To make it clearer: my problem is that now if I run Update-Database
, I expect it to run all migrations that it doesn't find on the newly defined database server, which should be all as none exist yet on that new server. Instead, what I get is:
PM> Update-Database
No pending explicit migrations.
So it still looks at the old database even though I replaced the connection string.
Found the issue myself. The way I initially declared my DbContext class and constructor was as follows:
public class MyContext : DbContext
public MyContext : base()
{ }
Apparently, EntityFramework automatically finds the connection string from app.config
. But when I changed that connection string, even though I did not change its name, EF didn't apply that change by itself. So I changed the constructor to
public MyContext : base("mycn") // unchanged name of the connection string
{ }
Only then did it apply the change. A bit weird to me but eh...