create column family Records with
comparator = UTF8Type and
column_metadata =
{column_name: name, validation_class: UTF8Type},
{column_name: label, validation_class: UTF8Type},
{column_name: releasedate, validation_class: LongType},
I want to query the records by Row-Key and then further do a check on the releasedate (a timestamp value). As far as I understand this:, this should easyly be possible as I query first by row key and then narrow down by releasedate.
But how to do this in hector?
Using SliceQuery
does not work. I know there is IndexedSliceQuery
but I do not have s secondary index set (as can be seen abolve). Is it neverthelss correct and an must to use IndexedSliceQuery (even though I do not have a seconary Index)??
Thanks Markus
If you know that you need to query your data by release date then, with Apache Cassandra, you should store it that way.
This can be done in two ways: - adjust the meta data in the column family definition above to include an index on releaseddate:
update column family Records with column_metadata=[{column_name: releasedate, validation_class: LongType, index_name:releasedate_idx, index_type:0}];
I would suggest the first approach, giving you access to IndexedSlicesQuery and all its goodness.