I am trying to write a test for a webApp that has only an email-only-signIn. That means the user hacks in the email and clicks on the link he receives in an email.
In order to test a user signUp I was wondering what you think I could do to solve the problem?
I test with Jest and Puppeteer.
My app is made only of Html, CSS and JS.
Many thanks ahead, Alex
I would see some way, you could :
Now it can be complicated, especially for the email instrumentation part.
Perpahs the best way could to use a temporary email : https://temp-mail.org/en/
This way, you still have to open two different pages (one for the temp email, one for your app) but then it's easier to fetch the email received (and you're sure it's this one and not another one) and you can click on it to confirm the sign-up on your app.