I'm having issues uploading files with the size of about 400MB to an external disk in Laravel. On the local disk I have no issues storing the uploaded file but when it needs to be uploaded to the S3 disk I get the following error:
ErrorException: fwrite(): Unable to create temporary file, Check permissions in temporary files directory.
The following code is used (which gives no errors):
$contents = file_get_contents($file);
$local = \Storage::disk('local');
$local->put($desitinationUrl, $contents);
But when the following happens I get an error
$uploadedfile = \Storage::disk('local')->get($destinationUrl);
$s3 = \Storage::disk('s3');
$s3->put($destinationUrl, $uploadedfile);
Does anyone know where the issue may be? Thanks in advance!
You could try directly writing the stream as you read it: