I am attempting to create a line graph using MPAndroidChart where the user enters a date (either today or a previous day) using a DatePicker and then enters a separate value for that date. The issue I am having is how to format that date from the DatePicker for saving it on a SQLite database, and then to take it out and use it for the x-axis of my graph. I have tried all of the different methods I have seen here and on the documentation, but they seem to be more for real-time data and not for graphs using previous days.
I am pretty much lost of the best way to go about this. Any help or advice would be apprecaited.
use custom valueformatter
class DateValueFormatter extends ValueFormatter {
private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
private List<Date> dateList;
public DateValueFormatter(List<Date> dateList) {
this.dateList = dateList;
public String getAxisLabel(float value, AxisBase axis) {
int axisValue = (int) value;
if (axisValue >= 0 && axisValue < dateList.size()) {
return dateFormat.format(dateList.get(axisValue));
} else {
return "";
and set xaxis value formatter
chart.getXAxis().setValueFormatter(new DateValueFormatter(datelist));