I currently fetch a collection of jobs like this:
jobs = new EntityCollection<JobEntity>(new JobEntityFactory());
var bucket = GetJobsBucket(filter);
var tempContext = new Context();
var sorter = new SortExpression(JobFields.Id | SortOperator.Descending);
adapter.FetchEntityCollection(jobs, bucket, maxCount, sorter, JobListPrefetchPath(false));
filter.TotalMatchesCount = adapter.GetDbCount(new JobEntityFactory().CreateFields(), bucket, null, false);
filter.ReturnedMatchesCount = jobs.Count;
return jobs;
where bucket contains lots of predicates e.g.
var fieldCompareValuePredicate = new FieldCompareValuePredicate(JobTypeCategoryFields.Filter, null,
ComparisonOperator.Equal, filter.JobCategory) { CaseSensitiveCollation = true };
The Job entity has a collection of Attachments (via foreign key)
How can I filter the job list to only select jobs with one or more attachments? I know I could use a in-memory filter (AggregateSetPredicate) via a dynamic view but this will mean I will have to fetch all the jobs in order to get the correct counts, the current fetch has a maximum on the returned count.
Solution is to do this:
FieldCompareSetPredicate filteredAttachments;
filteredAttachments = new FieldCompareSetPredicate(JobFields.Id, null,
AttachmentFields.JobFk, null,
SetOperator.In, null);