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Is there any way to get LLBLGen Pro to generate the generic and dbspecific .csproj files in separate directories

LLBLGen Pro by default generates the generic and db specific project files in the same root directory.

I'm trying to make my model projects use NuGet for dependancy management and this breaks/starts behaving strangely as both projects end up referencing the same packages.config

As such I'm hoping there is a way to make LLBLGen Pro generate the project files in separate directories....

Any pointers


  • look at the tasks in the preset, on tab 3 of the code generation configuration dialog. The tasks for the project files, e.g. 'SD.Tasks.Adapter.VsNetDbGenericProjectFileCreator' contain the destinationFolder property which is empty by default (so it generates into the root folder you specify).

    It might become tricky though with the paths inside the project file, but you should start there.