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How to find out if the Quartz Job is paused

In my Spring Boot application I used Quartz org.quartz.Scheduler to schedule a job:

final JobDetail job = JobBuilder.newJob().ofType(ReportSendingJob.class)

final CronTrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.newTrigger().forJob(job)

scheduler.scheduleJob(job, trigger);

then I paused it:

scheduler.pauseJob(new JobKey("myJob"));

How can I get the status of this job to see if it is paused or not?


  • Documentation of pauseJob method says

    Pause the JobDetail with the given key - by pausing all of its current Triggers.

    So you could check if job is paused by checking if all triggers are paused:

    List<Trigger> triggers = scheduler.getTriggersOfJob(JobKey.jobKey("myJob"))
    boolean paused = triggers
        .allMatch( trigger -> 
            scheduler.getTriggerState(trigger.key) == PAUSED 