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How can I find the coordinates of the largest all-true rectangle in a 2d array of booleans in less than O(n^3)?

Currently, I'm using this solution:

I convert true to 1 & false to -infinity, then find the greatest sum rectangle. According to the article, this solution is O(n^3), and it's really not fast enough for what I need. I've tried to use the Max Histogram method (, but the way the rectangle size is stored caused me some trouble with finding the ultimate coordinates.

Code in C# would be awesome, but I'm happy to take pseudocode & write it myself if needed.


  • Based on the link provided by the OP:

    // C# program to find largest rectangle 
    // with all 1s in a binary matrix 
    using System; 
    using System.Collections.Generic; 
    class GFG { 
        // Finds the maximum area under the 
        // histogram represented by histogram. 
        // See below article for details. 
        // https:// 
        public static (int area, int left, int right) maxHist(int C, int[] row) 
            // Create an empty stack. The stack 
            // holds indexes of hist[] array. 
            // The bars stored in stack are always 
            // in increasing order of their heights. 
            Stack<int> result = new Stack<int>(); 
            int top_val; // Top of stack 
            int left; 
            int max_area = 0; // Initialize max area in current row (or histogram) 
            int max_left = -1;
            int max_right = -1;
            int area = 0; // Initialize area with current top 
            // Run through all bars of 
            // given histogram (or row) 
            int i = 0; 
            while (i < C) { 
                // If this bar is higher than the 
                // bar on top stack, push it to stack 
                if (result.Count == 0 || row[result.Peek()] <= row[i]) { 
                else { 
                    // If this bar is lower than top 
                    // of stack, then calculate area of 
                    // rectangle with stack top as 
                    // the smallest (or minimum height) 
                    // bar. 'i' is 'right index' for 
                    // the top and element before 
                    // top in stack is 'left index' 
                    left = result.Peek();
                    top_val = row[left]; 
                    area = top_val * i; 
                    if (result.Count > 0) {
                        left = result.Peek() + 1;
                        area = top_val * (i - left); 
                    if (area > max_area) {
                        max_area = area;
                        max_left = left;
                        max_right = i - 1;
            // Now pop the remaining bars from 
            // stack and calculate area with 
            // every popped bar as the smallest bar 
            while (result.Count > 0) {
                left = result.Peek();
                top_val = row[left]; 
                area = top_val * i; 
                if (result.Count > 0) { 
                    left = result.Peek() + 1;
                    area = top_val * (i - left); 
                if (area > max_area) {
                    max_area = area;
                    max_left = left;
                    max_right = C - 1;
            return (max_area, max_left, max_right); 
        // Returns area of the largest 
        // rectangle with all 1s in A[][] 
        public static (int area, int top, int bottom, int left, int right)
            maxRectangle(int R, int C, int[][] A) 
            int top = 0;
            int bottom = 0;
            // Calculate area for first row 
            // and initialize it as result 
            (int result, int left, int right) = maxHist(C, A[0]); 
            // iterate over row to find 
            // maximum rectangular area 
            // considering each row as histogram 
            for (int i = 1; i < R; i++) { 
                for (int j = 0; j < C; j++) { 
                    // if A[i][j] is 1 then 
                    // add A[i -1][j] 
                    if (A[i][j] == 1) { 
                        A[i][j] += A[i - 1][j]; 
                (int tmp_result, int tmp_left, int tmp_right) = maxHist(C, A[i]);
                // Update result if area with current 
                // row (as last row of rectangle) is more
                if (tmp_result > result) {
                    left = tmp_left;
                    right = tmp_right;
                    bottom = i;
                    result = tmp_result;
                    top = bottom - (result / (right - left + 1)) + 1;
            return (result, top, bottom, left, right); 
        // Driver code 
        public static void Main(string[] args) 
            int R = 4; 
            int C = 4; 
            int[][] A = new int[][] { 
                new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 0 }, 
                new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 
                new int[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 
                new int[] { 1, 1, 0, 0 } 
            var result = maxRectangle(R, C, A);
            Console.Write("Area of maximum rectangle is " + result.area + 
                ", rows " + + "-" + result.bottom + 
                ", columns " + result.left + "-" + result.right); 