I'm trying to define custom typings for a navigation library using TypeScript, and I haven't wrapped my head around creating a navigate
function that takes the Screen's name as a first argument, and the Screen's properties as a second argument while still being type safe.
I'm trying to:
keyof Stack
) as a first argumentnavigate<LoginStack>('HomeScreen')
should never work, only the screens from LoginStack
should be possible)keyof Stack
) as the second argumentMy current approach:
export interface LoginStackScreens {
LoginScreen: BaseProps & { isHeadless?: boolean };
ForgotPasswordScreen: BaseProps & { email: string };
export interface HomeStackScreens {
HomeScreen: BaseProps & { isHeadless?: boolean };
SavedScreen: BaseProps;
ChatsListScreen: BaseProps;
MyProfileScreen: BaseProps;
PostDetailsScreen: BaseProps & {
post: Post;
// ... some more
type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
function navigate<Stack extends HomeStackScreens | LoginStackScreens>(screenName: keyof Stack, props: ValueOf<Stack>): void {
// Navigation logic
navigate<HomeStackScreens>('HomeScreen', {});
While I achieved points 1. and 2., the second parameter (arguments) aren't safely typed as they contain all values from the HomeStackScreens
Whereas I only want to have BaseProps & { isHeadless?: boolean }
in this case (See HomeStackScreens
Try this!
function navigate<Stack extends {}>(
screenName: keyof Stack,
props: Stack[typeof screenName]
) {
// Implementation
type SomeStack = {
someScreen: {
test: string
navigate<SomeStack>('someScreen', {
test: 5 // Fails - should be a string!