Reading the JSON hierarchy (Number of subnodes can be any number) file using Powershell. I could do it for one level but need the same for N number of loops and nested loops Need result in Tree view, if not possible then Tabular way with the title on top of the root table
Below is the script so far I have developed:
$Filepath = 'C:\Users\Learner\Test2.JSON'
$JsonContent=gc $Filepath | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($Name in $RootNodeName) {Echo $Name--> $JsonContent.$Name}
"foundation": {
"network": {
"resource_group_name": "rg-network-e2",
"name": "nonprodvnet-e2"
"diagnostics": {
"resource_group_name": "rg-mgmt-cu",
"storage_account_name": "Sreacnt-e2"
"log_analytics": {
"resource_group_name": "rg-mgmt-cu",
"workspace_name": "la-sap-e2"
"recovery_vault": {
"resource_group_name": "rg-mgmt-cu",
"name": "rsv-sap-e2"
"windows_domain": {
"domain_name": "dmn.local",
"ou_path": "CN=Computers,DC=example,DC=com",
"domain_user": "svc_domainjoin@dmn.local",
"domain_password": "Pwd01"
"control_flags": {
"enable_boot_diagnostics": true,
"enable_oms": false,
"enable_backup": true,
"windows_domain_join": false
"deployment": {
"resource_group": {
"name": "rg-sap-501-e2",
"location": "eastus2"
"tags": {
"owner": "for SAP"
"os_account": {
"admin_username": "locadm"
"proximity_placement_groups": {
"ppg-501": {}
"availability_sets": {
"avset-cs-501": {
"ppg_name": "ppg-501"
"avset-app-501": {
"ppg_name": "ppg-501"
"avset-db-501": {
"ppg_name": "ppg-501"
"load_balancers": {
"ilb-sap-501": {
"dv2ascs": {
"ip_address": "",
"probe_port": 62000,
"subnet": "app"
"dv2-ers": {
"ip_address": "",
"probe_port": 62102,
"subnet": "app"
"ilb-db-501": {
"dv2-hana": {
"ip_address": "",
"probe_port": 62503,
"subnet": "db"
"server_groups": {
"ascs": {
"os_type": "linux",
"sku": "Standard_E4s_v3",
"availability_set": "avset-cs-501",
"backup_policy": "sap",
"ppg_name": "ppg-501",
"lb_refs": [
"os_disk_size": "30",
"enable_accelerated_networking": true,
"hosts": {
"vcs501-01": {
"nics": [
"vcs501-02": {
"nics": [
"subnet": "app",
"image_details": {
"resource_id": null,
"marketplace_reference": {
"publisher" : "SUSE",
"offer" : "sles-sap-15-sp1",
"sku" : "gen1",
"version": "latest"
"disks": [
"name": "usrsap",
"disk_size": "128",
"number_of_disks": 1
"apps": {
"type": "app_linux",
"os_type": "linux",
"sku": "Standard_E4s_v3",
"availability_set": "avset-app-501",
"backup_policy": "sap",
"ppg_name": "ppg-501",
"enable_accelerated_networking": true,
"os_disk_size": "30",
"hosts": {
"vas501-01": {
"nics": [
"vas501-02": {
"nics": [
"subnet": "app",
"image_details": {
"resource_id": null,
"marketplace_reference": {
"publisher" : "SUSE",
"offer" : "sles-15-sp1",
"sku" : "gen1",
"version": "latest"
"disks": [
"name": "usrsap",
"disk_size": "128",
"number_of_disks": 1
"hana": {
"os_type": "linux",
"sku": "Standard_E32s_v3",
"availability_set": "avset-db-501",
"backup_policy": "sap",
"ppg_name": "ppg-501",
"os_disk_size": "30",
"subnet": "db",
"lb_refs": [
"hosts": {
"vhs501-01": {
"nics": [
"vhs501-02": {
"nics": [
"image_details": {
"resource_id": null,
"marketplace_reference": {
"publisher" : "SUSE",
"offer" : "sles-sap-15-sp1",
"sku" : "gen1",
"version": "latest"
"disks": [
"name": "usrsap",
"disk_size": "128",
"number_of_disks": 1
"name": "hanashared",
"disk_size": "128",
"number_of_disks": 1
"name": "hanadata",
"disk_size": "128",
"number_of_disks": 3
"name": "hanalog",
"disk_size": "128",
"number_of_disks": 2
"name": "hanabackup",
"disk_size": "512",
"number_of_disks": 1
You are not really reading a Json
file but actually the hierarchy of a PowerShell object which might hold a lot of (.Net) object types but in this case it is limited by the original Json structure which only consists out of three major types:
ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashTable
parameter), containing child objects assigned to a specific name.To best way to read through a hierarchic structure of an unknown depth is to use a recursive
function, meaning a function that calls itself. To give you an example for your specific question:
Function Show-Object ($Object, $Depth = 0, $Name) {
$Indent = if ($Depth++) { " " * ($Depth - 2) }
if ($Object -is [Array]) {
If ($Name) { "$Indent$Name =" }
foreach ($Item in $Object) {
Show-Object $Item $Depth
elseif ($Object -is [PSCustomObject]) {
If ($Name) { "$Indent$Name =" }
foreach ($Name in $Object.PSObject.Properties.Name) {
Show-Object $Object.$Name $Depth $Name
else {
if ($Name) { "$Indent$Name = $Object" } else { "$Indent$Object" }
As you can see, where the structure might any child objects (in case of an [Array]
or an [PSCustomObject]
), the Show-Object
function is calling itself with a child object as the new input object, and some additional parameters as to e.g. keep track of the current $Depth
You can call the function simply like:
Show-Object $JsonContent
Or export it to a file like:
Show-Object $JsonContent | Out-File .\text1.txt
For your $JsonContent
it will result in:
foundation =
network =
resource_group_name = rg-network-e2
name = nonprodvnet-e2
diagnostics =
resource_group_name = rg-mgmt-cu
storage_account_name = Sreacnt-e2
log_analytics =
resource_group_name = rg-mgmt-cu
workspace_name = la-sap-e2
recovery_vault =
resource_group_name = rg-mgmt-cu
name = rsv-sap-e2
windows_domain =
domain_name = dmn.local
ou_path = CN=Computers,DC=example,DC=com
domain_user = svc_domainjoin@dmn.local
domain_password = Pwd01
control_flags =
enable_boot_diagnostics = True
enable_oms = False
enable_backup = True
windows_domain_join = False
deployment =
resource_group =
name = rg-sap-501-e2
location = eastus2
tags =
owner = for SAP
os_account =
admin_username = locadm
proximity_placement_groups =
ppg-501 =
availability_sets =
avset-cs-501 =
ppg_name = ppg-501
avset-app-501 =
ppg_name = ppg-501
avset-db-501 =
ppg_name = ppg-501
load_balancers =
ilb-sap-501 =
dv2ascs =
ip_address =
probe_port = 62000
subnet = app
dv2-ers =
ip_address =
probe_port = 62102
subnet = app
ilb-db-501 =
dv2-hana =
ip_address =
probe_port = 62503
subnet = db
server_groups =
ascs =
os_type = linux
sku = Standard_E4s_v3
availability_set = avset-cs-501
backup_policy = sap
ppg_name = ppg-501
lb_refs =
os_disk_size = 30
enable_accelerated_networking = True
hosts =
vcs501-01 =
nics =
vcs501-02 =
nics =
subnet = app
image_details =
resource_id =
marketplace_reference =
publisher = SUSE
offer = sles-sap-15-sp1
sku = gen1
version = latest
disks =
name = usrsap
disk_size = 128
number_of_disks = 1
apps =
type = app_linux
os_type = linux
sku = Standard_E4s_v3
availability_set = avset-app-501
backup_policy = sap
ppg_name = ppg-501
enable_accelerated_networking = True
os_disk_size = 30
hosts =
vas501-01 =
nics =
vas501-02 =
nics =
subnet = app
image_details =
resource_id =
marketplace_reference =
publisher = SUSE
offer = sles-15-sp1
sku = gen1
version = latest
disks =
name = usrsap
disk_size = 128
number_of_disks = 1
hana =
os_type = linux
sku = Standard_E32s_v3
availability_set = avset-db-501
backup_policy = sap
ppg_name = ppg-501
os_disk_size = 30
subnet = db
lb_refs =
hosts =
vhs501-01 =
nics =
vhs501-02 =
nics =
image_details =
resource_id =
marketplace_reference =
publisher = SUSE
offer = sles-sap-15-sp1
sku = gen1
version = latest
disks =
name = usrsap
disk_size = 128
number_of_disks = 1
name = hanashared
disk_size = 128
number_of_disks = 1
name = hanadata
disk_size = 128
number_of_disks = 3
name = hanalog
disk_size = 128
number_of_disks = 2
name = hanabackup
disk_size = 512
number_of_disks = 1