I have a card component which should forward the user to another page when it is clicked. It contains a checkbox, which triggers some action. I want to forward the user when he clicks on the card, but not when he clicks on the checkbox.
I have tried around with self
and stopPropagation
on the card element, but it did not work. Is there a way to add this to the input element? Here is the code for some reference:
// Card Component
<div class="card" {style} on:click={() => goto(`${$page.path}/${app.name}`)}>
//...some code
<Checkbox label="Compare Services" bind:checked={compare} />
// Checkbox Component
<label on:keypress={handleEnter} tabindex="1" class="checkbox-holder" {style}>
<input type="checkbox" bind:checked />
<div class="cool-checkbox">
<div class="checkbox-square" class:checkbox-square-active={checked}>
<i class={`fal fa-${checked ? 'check' : 'minus'}`} />
Here is a working example:
I think you had it right, maybe you had some typo or something. You just need to add "|self" to onclick-statement in the Card-component
on:click|self={()=>console.log("div clicked")}