I am trying to track an upload progress. I can do this when downloading by simply adding a ProgressListener
to the NetworkManager
But when uploading and doing the same, I only get 1 call back with the final upload size
I see in the code that there are some private methods that deal with the Network event type
seems to have a public
method that sets the request type setWriteRequest
I am using the terse RequestBuilder
which by default sets the value of setWriteRequest
to true
as long as there is a body (which there is)
So I really don't know why only 1 callback is being returned with the upload size. Am I missing something?
My final code looks something like this
ActionListener<NetworkEvent> progressListener = new ActionListener<NetworkEvent>(){
public void actionPerformed(NetworkEvent evt) {
int getSentReceived = evt.getSentReceived();//this only gets total size, no partial upload progress received
RequestBuilder req = Rest.post(url).body(body).header("Content-Type", "application/json").fetchAsJsonMap(resp -> {
Edit: I have double checked this behavior on Simulator, Android and iOS
Edit: I ended up implementing this in iOS and Android natively and publishing a CN1Lib for it that uses a simple case (upload of single text file and track progress)