I have built a web automation programme with selemium & javascript. Now i want make it usable for everyone so that anyone can use it without any dependecies or coding environment i mean any non technical people can use it easily. how can i do it?
One option is to use: https://www.npmjs.com/package/pkg
This command line interface enables you to package your Node.js project into an executable that can be run even on devices without Node.js installed.
The most useful part will be dependencies:
During packaging process pkg parses your sources, detects calls to require, traverses the dependencies of your project and includes them into executable
However, i expect this will not manage the webdriver executable. You'll most likely need to ship chromedriver/geckodriver/etc with your resultant exe.
Looking forward, i expect you'll need to manage your distributable for the rollout of new browser versions. Different users will be on different versions at different times and your relevant drivers will need to be updated and re-shipped.