I'm creating two-dimentional array with google appscript using chrome devices users with the JSON response from a directory. I've been able to get values. However, when I try to get recentUsers represented as:
"kind": "directory#chromeosdevices",
"chromeosdevices": [
"kind": "directory#chromeosdevice",
"etag": "1234567890"
"deviceId": "def456",
"serialNumber": "234567",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"lastSync": "2013-03-05T17:30:04.325Z",
"supportEndDate": "2014-04-05T17:30:04.325Z",
"annotatedUser": "help desk",
"annotatedLocation": "Mountain View help desk Chromebook",
"annotatedAssetId": "1234567890",
"notes": "Loaned from support",
"orderNumber": "1234",
"willAutoRenew": true,
"osVersion": "Browser Version 18.0",
"platformVersion": "Platform Version 1415.2.0",
"firmwareVersion": "Firmware Version",
"bootMode": "validated",
"lastEnrollmentTime": "2012-04-05T17:30:04.325Z",
"orgUnitPath": "corp/engineering",
"recentUsers": [
"email": "user@customer.com" //I'm trying to get the most recent user's email
"activeTimeRanges": [
"date": "2012-04-05",
"activeTime": "3600000"
"nextPageToken": "abcdefghijkl123"
I get an array but I can't get the value. I'm trying to get the most recent user's email. Anyone have experience with appscript? I've tried recentUsers[0].email and recentUser[0]['email']. This is the code I have to far: //I commented where I'm trying to push a value enter code here
var chromeArgs = {
maxResults: 200,
orderBy: 'annotatedUser',
projection: "FULL"
var getChromes = (AdminDirectory.Chromeosdevices.list('XXXXXXXXX', chromeArgs));
var chromes = getChromes.chromeosdevices;
if (chromes && chromes.length > 0) {
//2d array
var wholeValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < chromes.length; i++){
//create a 1D array first with pushing 0,1,2 elements with a for loop
var value = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
var chrms = chromes[i];
var recentUser = chrms.recentUsers;
value.push(recentUser[0].email); // Here is where I need help
//pushing the value array with [0,1,2] to thw wholeValues array.
} // the outer for loop runs five times , so five the 0,1,2 with be pushed in to thewholevalues array by creating wholeValues[0][0],wholeValues[0][1]...till..wholeValues[4][2]
Logger.log(wholeValues); '''
with dynamic recentUsers[j]
within the loopSample:
function getChromes(){
var chromeArgs = {
maxResults: 200,
orderBy: 'annotatedUser',
projection: "FULL"
var getChromes = (AdminDirectory.Chromeosdevices.list('XXXXXXXXX', chromeArgs));
var chromes = getChromes.chromeosdevices;
if (chromes && chromes.length > 0) {
var wholeValues = [];
for (var i = 0; i < chromes.length; i++){
var chrms = chromes[i];
var recentUser = chrms.recentUsers;
var value = [];
for (var j = 0; j < recentUser.length; j++) {
Note that you need to specify the iteration limit of the inner loop dynamically j < recentUser.length;
instead of j < 1
to account for different quantity of recent users for each chrome device.