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Why doesn't overriding a class function work sometimes?

I followed this for Overwriting a function.

For example, I want to override the function _setupKeyboard() on the Keyboard class, but my override isn't invoked. The specific portion I want to change is this, to remove the if guard:

if (Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) {
    this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'emoji-visible',

I copied the function from the source, removed the part I didn't want, then set the replacement function like this:

const Keyboard = imports.ui.keyboard;

Keyboard.Keyboard.prototype._setupKeyboard = myOverride;

Why isn't my override being invoked and how can I achieve this?


  • There are two common reasons an override won't be invoked. If the method is invoked before your override is applied, or if the function is a callback set with Function.prototype.bind() which creates a new closure.

    In this case, the function _setupKeyboard() is called before your override is applied. When GNOME Shell starts up, it creates an instance of Keyboard.KeyboardManager here:

    // main.js, line #204
    keyboard = new Keyboard.KeyboardManager();

    By the time the keyboard variable has been assigned to the instance, a default Keyboard.Keyboard class has been created and the function _setupKeyboard() has already been called in Keyboard._init(), which is much sooner than your extension is loaded.

    Since there's no way to easily fix that, your best option is to just re-create the one part of the code you want to run:

    const Meta =;
    const Main = imports.ui.main;
    const Keyboard = imports.ui.keyboard.Keyboard;
    const originalSetup = Keyboard.prototype._setupKeyboard;
    const modifiedSetup = function () {;
        if (!Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) {
            this._connectSignal(this._keyboardController, 'emoji-visible',
    function init() {
    // Your extension's enable function (might be a class method)
    function enable() {
        let kbd = Main.keyboard.keyboardActor;
        if (kbd !== null) {
            if (!Meta.is_wayland_compositor()) {
                kbd.__mySignalId = kbd._connectSignal(kbd._keyboardController, 'emoji-visible',
        Keyboard.prototype._setupKeyboard = modifiedSetup;
    function disable() {
        let kbd = Main.keyboard.keyboardActor;
        if (kbd !== null && kbd.__mySignalId) {
            kbd.__mySignalId = 0;
        Keyboard.prototype._setupKeyboard = originalSetup;

    This is not very pretty, but that is often the price of patching private code. I can also not guarantee that the code will do what you want, because I suspect the emoji key is hidden on X11 for a reason.