I have an application which should optionally pull TTS voices from Microsoft Server Speech Platform. If the Platform has not been installed (via ClickOnce), the application should gracefully continue. However, as it stands, the whole application fails to install if this is missing. This seems to come automatically from the dll before anything is even called. Help!
The SDK with Microsoft.Speech.dll can be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=1b1604d3-4f66-4241-9a21-90a294a5c9a4
The error is "System Update Required: Unable to install or run the application requires that assembly Microsoft.Speech Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first". Again, the goal is to allow the application to install even Microsoft.Speech has not yet been installed.
In the ClickOnce Options for Prerequisites this is not present, it seems to be coming from the dll.
I believe this will work, but have not been able to test:
In Publish -> Application Files set the publish status to 'Exclude' or 'Include' for Microsoft.Speech.dll
The key is in the ClickOnce Manifest, it's not hidden in a dll.
Let me know if this works