I ran "yarn add global react-native-cli", following by "yarn add react-native". By then, everything seemed correctly installed.
I then used "create-react-native-app my-app" which leads to "zsh: command not found: create-react-app".
I tried to find something relevant on other posts with the same problem, but I didn't find anything close to solve my problem.
Does anyone know why the command is not working? And what should I be doing so I can create a new React app?
Thanks !
PS : here's the app that I'd like to create https://medium.com/better-programming/bitcoin-ripple-ethereum-price-checker-with-react-native-redux-e9d076037092
After you install react with npm install -g create-react-native-app
, you need to create the app with npx, npm, or yarn.
So the command to create a new app folder would be npx create-react-app app-name-here
This link to the React Github explains all of the ways you can create the app: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app