Is there a method to get a sidebar to scroll indipendently from the content it pushes?
Right now I have a page set up in this fasion:
|[button] Header |
|S | Main content |
|i | |
|d | |
|e | |
|b | |
|a | |
|r | |
| Footer |
The button I have in the header toggles the sidebar and when it's visible it will scroll along with the Main Content of the page. I would like to keep this from happening, so if anyone can tell what I have to do it would be appreciated.
Below is the basic structure of my HTML (I can't post acttual code so please forgive me)
<div class="ui segment pushable" style="margin-top:3.5em;" id="mainContent">
<div class="ui inverted labeled icon left inline vertical sidebar menu" id="individual_messages_sidebar">
<!-- side bar content here -->
<div class="pusher">
<!-- Main Content -->
The code that initializes the sidebar in Javascript
context: $('#mainContent')
.sidebar('setting', 'dimPage', false);
I've tried making the side bar and/or the main content sticky. Tried giving them fixed positions with CSS. Maybe some other things that I can't remmember, but nothing has really worked as I had hoped.
overflow is what determines if you will have scroll bars. you need a container that has a known height and inside you can have an element that has massive height and use overflow to control it. Example
.slider {
.slider>div {
background: #cddccd;
.content {
.content>div {
background: #dccddc;