I have data set A that contains revenue per professional and data set B of professionals/team groups. I want to sum the revenue in data set A based on the groupings in data set B in excel. The actual lists include hundreds of rows.
Looks like sumif may work but I'm struggling with the multiple cases if one group has x members and another has x + 1. Max grouping is 7 members.
Dataset A looks like this:
Name | Revenue
John B. | 100
John Doe | 50
Michael J. | 80
Lucy G. | 1000
John Q. | 20
Alex B. | 50
Curt T. | 50
Dataset B looks like this
Professionals | Members
Team John | John B., John Doe, John Q.
Michael J. | Michael J.
Lucy G. | Lucy G.
Alex & Curt | Alex B., Curt T.
Expected Result
Professionals | Members | Revenue
Team John | John B., John Doe, John Q.| 170
Michael J. | Michael J. | 80
Lucy G. | Lucy G. | 1000
Alex & Curt | Alex B., Curt T. | 100
Use FILTERXML to return an array: