Today I realised I'd gotten a little carried away with nested resources:
resources :organisations do
resources :studies do
resources :settings
The Rails guidelines (and my own thoughts) suggest that you shouldn't nest more than 1 level deep, so I refactored to this:
resources :organisations do
resources :studies
resources :studies do
resources :settings
Does anyone know a cleaner / more concise way to declare the above routes? Google gave me a lot of Rails 2-specific stuff.
Many thanks!
You pretty much got it figured out and on the right track. It really depends on your domain. Just looking at your routes, I would ponder on what Settings
does. Maybe a namespace somewhere to handle settings would suffice, maybe not. Really depends on what you are trying to do.
However, as far as nesting goes. It's looking fine.
PS. You can also refer to this guide for routing in Rails 3.0.X.