I have a JavaScript editor (Ace Editor) related to GraalVM scripting, where I added some custom JavaScript rules. I'd like them to be reflected in the editor, using custom highlight rules. However, it seems that I am unable to add new rules no matter what I try. I have a custom mode that's correctly included, the problem is in the rules.
My starting point looked like this (mode code not included):
ace.define('ace/mode/custom_highlight_rules', ['require', 'exports', 'ace/lib/oop', 'ace/mode/text_highlight_rules'], (acequire, exports) => {
const oop = acequire('ace/lib/oop');
const JavaScriptHighlightRules = acequire("./javascript_highlight_rules").JavaScriptHighlightRules;
const CustomHighlightRules = function CustomHighlightRules() {
this.$rules = new JavaScriptHighlightRules().getRules();
oop.inherits(CustomHighlightRules, JavaScriptHighlightRules);
exports.CustomHighlightRules = CustomHighlightRules;
Now, I have tried using addRules()
from the documentation, like this:
start: [ {
token: "keyword",
regex: "my_keyword",
} ]
}, 'custom-');
However, my_keyword is not highlighted.
It is important to note that replacing it with:
this.$rules = {
start: [ {
token: "keyword",
regex: "my_keyword",
} ]
Does highlight this keyword, but nothing else because there are no other rules – that's how I know that the code is doing anything at all.
I have also tried something like this:
token: "keyword",
regex: "my_keyword",
next: "start",
So that the rule is in the built-in start
object, but it doesn't appear to work. Also tried variations on the regex (e.g. using native RegEx code like /my_keyword/
I have noticed that when using addRules()
, my custom object does not have processed: true
in it, which indicates that maybe I added the rules too late? It seems like this is the correct place though.
What am I doing wrong?
I didn't go into why this works, but it looks like the assignment to this.$rules
needs to be done at the end—so first the object needs to be built, and then assigned. A working example on how to do this can be found here: https://ace.c9.io/tool/mode_creator.html under TypeScript, which inherits JavaScript, exactly as I wanted.
My function therefore looks like this now:
const CustomHighlightRules = function CustomHighlightRules(options) {
let customRules = [
token: "keyword",
regex: "my_keyword"
let JSRules = new JavaScriptHighlightRules({jsx: (options && options.jsx)}).getRules();
JSRules.no_regex = customRules.concat(JSRules.no_regex);
this.$rules = JSRules;