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How to automatically pick a "mode" for Ace Editor, given a file extension

I'm working on a project that uses a java/scala backend (Lift, to be precise, though that shouldn't affect this question), and as part of the frontend we use Ace Editor. I've been googling for a while and have yet to find an answer to this question:

Given a file extension (e.g. js, c, cpp, h, java, rb, etc), how can I automatically pick an Ace "mode" for the appropriate language?

I'm hoping to avoid manually creating a map, a la js -> javascript, c -> c_cpp, java -> java. Is there a java/scala library available for this? Or better yet, does Ace have this functionality built in somehow?


  • Ace now provides modelist extension to do this.

    var modelist = ace.require("ace/ext/modelist")
    var filePath = "blahblah/weee/some.js"
    var mode = modelist.getModeForPath(filePath).mode
    editor.session.setMode(mode) // mode now contains "ace/mode/javascript".

    Note that if you are using prebuilt version of ace you need to include ace.js and ext-modelist.js files in your page.
    With source version, you need to replace ace.require with require and require.js will load all dependencies automatically.

    See and for examples of how to use it