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Angular google maps custom HTML infoWindow

I am using google-maps angular component ( I have an array of markers and i want to show infoWindow with custom HTML in it. Now my question is how to show the custom HTML inside my infoWindows.

So far i have the window showing done, the only problem is it displays normal string, not HTML content. my component.html looks like:

<map-marker #markerElem="mapMarker"
    *ngFor="let marker of markersArray"

<map-info-window>{{ infoContent }}</map-info-window>

And in my component.ts:

@ViewChild(MapInfoWindow) infoWindow: MapInfoWindow;

infoContent: string;

openInfo(marker: MapMarker, content: string) {
    this.infoContent = content;;

How can i have my infoWindow displaying SOME TEKST instead of <h2>SOME TEKST</h2> ?


  • You should be using innerHTML or outerHTML binding in this case:

      <div [innerHTML]="infoContent"></div>


      <div [outerHTML]="infoContent"></div>

    The difference between them is former will keep <div> wrapper while latter won't.