I got a App File which is structured like a zip file. Now I would like to extract all of the files in the app file.
I tried to convert the app to a zip file in the code (just copy and paste as zip file), but then it's a "SFX ZIP Archive", which most of the unzipper in node.js can't read.
For example AdmZip (error message):
rejected promise not handled within 1 second: Error: Invalid CEN header (bad signature)
var AdmZip = require('adm-zip');
var admZip2 = new AdmZip("C:\\temp\\Test\\Microsoft_System.zip");
admZip2.extractAllTo("C:\\temp\\Test\\System", true)
So now i don't know how to deal with it, because I need to extract the files with all subfolder/subfiles to a specific folder on the computer.
How would you do this?
You can download the .app file here:
If you open it, you should see something like this:
Thanks for your help :)
I'm already using JSZip for resaving the zip file as a normal ZIP Archive. But this is a extra step which costs some time.
Maybe someone knows how to extract files to a path with JSZip :)
Just for you information: It's a VS Code Extension Project
EDIT 3: I got something which worked for me. For my solution I did it with Workers (Because parallel)
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.loadAsync(data).then(async function (contents) {
//workerdata.files = Object.keys(contents.files)
//so you loop through contents.files and foreach file you get the dirname
//then check if the dir exists (create if not)
//after this you create the file with its content
//you have to rewrite some code to fit your code, because this whole code are
//from 2 files, hope it helps someone :)
Object.keys(workerData.files.slice(workerData.startIndex, workerData.endIndex)).forEach(function (filename, index) {
workerData.zip.file(filename).async('nodebuffer').then(async function (content) {
var destPath = path.join(workerData.baseAppFolderApp, filename);
var dirname = path.dirname(destPath);
// Create Directory if is doesn't exists
await createOnNotExist(dirname);
files[index] = false;
fs.writeFile(destPath, content, async function (err) {
// This is code for my logic
files[index] = true;
if (!files.includes(false)) {
jsZip is A library for creating, reading and editing .zip files with JavaScript, with a lovely and simple API.
link (https://www.npmjs.com/package/jszip)
example (extraction)
var JSZip = require('JSZip');
fs.readFile(filePath, function(err, data) {
if (!err) {
var zip = new JSZip();
zip.loadAsync(data).then(function(contents) {
Object.keys(contents.files).forEach(function(filename) {
zip.file(filename).async('nodebuffer').then(function(content) {
var dest = path + filename;
fs.writeFileSync(dest, content);