I want to make the difference betwen two little 640x512 matrices using the eigen3 library and I end up with some high computation latency (45 ms on a Intel Xeon 16 cores @ 2.4GHz). May I ask you some hints to improve this abnormal computation time ? Below is the related code snippet :
static inline void tsnorm(stTime *ts)
while (ts->tv_nsec >= NSEC_PER_SEC)
ts->tv_nsec -= NSEC_PER_SEC;
const unsigned short usRawFrameRows = 640;
const unsigned short usRawFrameCols = 512;
using pixType = unsigned short;
using pixDynMat = Matrix<pixType, Dynamic, Dynamic, RowMajor>;
pixDynMat biasFrame = pixDynMat::Zero(usRawFrameRows, usRawFrameCols);
pixType *myRawFrame = new pixType[usRawFrameRows * usRawFrameCols];
struct timespec tBeforeProcessFrameCall, tAfterProcessFrameCall;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &tBeforeProcessFrameCall);
// Substract the bias from the current raw frame
MatrixXd calFrame = Map<pixDynMat>(myRawFrame, usRawFrameRows, usRawFrameCols).cast<double>()
- biasFrame.cast<double>();
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &tAfterProcessFrameCall);
cout << " PHI processFrame overhead (ms) = " << (tAfterProcessFrameCall.tv_nsec - tBeforeProcessFrameCall.tv_nsec)/1e6 << endl;
Cheers !
I have compiled your code (i7-9700K):
Compiler: g++ -O3 -march=native test.cpp -o testbin
PHI processFrame overhead (ms) = 0.952253
However, without optimizations:
Compiler: g++ test.cpp -o testbin
PHI processFrame overhead (ms) = 20.1365
I suspect that you are missing compiler optimizations. You can try compiling with optimizations enabled. According to the FAQ page, this can easily gain you a factor of ten or more (see http://eigen.tuxfamily.org/index.php?title=FAQ#Optimization).