I'm trying to understand Non-blocking calls section of redux-saga
documentation and stuck with the below code
import { fork, call, take, put } from 'redux-saga/effects'
import Api from '...'
function* authorize(user, password) {
try {
const token = yield call(Api.authorize, user, password)
yield put({type: 'LOGIN_SUCCESS', token})
yield call(Api.storeItem, {token})
} catch(error) {
yield put({type: 'LOGIN_ERROR', error})
function* loginFlow() {
while (true) {
const {user, password} = yield take('LOGIN_REQUEST')
yield fork(authorize, user, password)
yield take(['LOGOUT', 'LOGIN_ERROR'])
yield call(Api.clearItem, 'token')
The explanation says
If the authorize fails before the user logs out, it will dispatch a LOGIN_ERROR action, then terminate. So loginFlow will take the LOGIN_ERROR before the LOGOUT then it will enter in a another while iteration and will wait for the next LOGIN_REQUEST action.
I can't really understand the statement So loginFlow will take the LOGIN_ERROR before the LOGOUT then it will enter in a another while iteration and will wait for the next LOGIN_REQUEST action.
Can anyone explain the relation between yield put({type: 'LOGIN_ERROR', error})
and yield take(['LOGOUT', 'LOGIN_ERROR'])
yield put({type: 'LOGIN_ERROR', error})
- dispatches action of type LOGIN_ERROR
yield take(['LOGOUT', 'LOGIN_ERROR'])
suspends generator function (loginFlow
) execution until action of type LOGOUT
is dispatched.