I have:
const delta = quill.formatText(documentData?.prediction?.range?.index, documentData?.prediction?.range?.length, { accepted: 'accepted' })
which creates a delta
that looks like:
ops: [
{retain: 1617},
{retain: 63, attributes: {…}},
{insert: " "}
But when my editor doesn't add that space at the end. If I change it to some text (like hello
), then it inserts hello
But not with a space. Why not?
The question is not very clear - not sure what is the entered data and what is the expected output, but if that's space you want to add, why not use:
var quill = new Quill('#editor-container', {
theme: 'snow'
var ops = [{
insert: 'This is a test'
quill.insertText(0, ' ')