I want to replace double-quotes not followed by odd number of backslash with empty string.
For eg:
String : "hello \" world \\"
, "hello \\\" world\\\\"
Regex : ?
Result : hello \" world \\
, hello \\\" world\\\\
(after replaced with empty string )
at the same time the \\
and \"
are replaced by \
and "
i do that simply with regex\\
and \"
I need the regex to replace "
not followed by odd number of \
. I am making a simple parser that ignores the string inside " "
so, somebody help.
this regex will give you the exact result it should be + instead of {0,20} but java won't allow that, So you can put double the maximum expected number of expected \ instead of 20
String text = "\"hello \\\" world \\\\\" , \"hello \\\\\\\" world\\\\\\\\\"";
String newText = text.replaceAll("(?<!(?<!\\\\)(\\\\)(\\\\\\\\){0,20})\"", "");
System.out.println("newText = " + newText);