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.NET or COM HID iCLASS Smart Card Reader

I have coding I almost always use with my Omnikey RFID CardMan 5321 smart cards. Problem is we received new cards today which are marked "HID iCLASS GL" which do not appear to be working well with our coding.

Without going through the whole source, our problem is arising when we are calling the following line, which basically tells us the length of the data: lResult = SCardTransmit(hCard, 0, bytCommand, lLen, 0, byReadBuffer, iReturnlength)

We are returning only a length of 2, which the data is marked as "x69 x86". Even if I tell it to read all 255 chr's the rest are just marked as null.

Now I know our reader can read these cards since the OMNIKEY Diagnostic tool is showing us the following: Status: Smart Card Inserted FW: 5.10 Port: USB Lib: 1.0 Smart Card Nme: iCLASS 32KS 8x2+16 ART: Valid Protocol: ISO 15693 (Part 2) PICCtoPCD: 26,48 kbps PCDtoPICC: 26,48 kbps Frequ: 13.56 MHz

As I explained before, everything is working fine in my coding except no data is being returned for my card besides "x69 x86", which is surely not correct.

If anyone has any experience reading from a HID iCLASS card, I would greatly appreciate some feedback on how to. Even if we have to license software, that is ok.

Thanks in advance!


  • The reason cause you get a 2 Byte array is cause your command runs on an error so the chip returns only SW1 and SW2 Flag

    in your case it's meaning is

    x69 --> Command not allowed (further qualification in SW2, see table 17) 
    x86 --> Command not allowed (no current EF)

    So you might proof that your application file on the chip is correctly selected further information @