I want to make one of my table's column headers a clickable button. receives columns from parent like via an array like this. As you can see I want to pass a button as the last title.
table: {
columns: [
title: "Role",
title: "No."
title: "Milestone"
title: "Status"
title: "Condition"
'<button >+ View all</button>',
And then table component receives it as a prop an displays it like this:
{{ column.title }}
So the end product should look something like this:
How can I do this?
what about doing something like this?
<button v-if="column.isBtn">{{column.title}}</button>
<template v-else>{{column.title}}</template>
now in your columns array make the last object look like this:
title: "View all",
isBtn: true
so what I did is only add button to the table header column and only show it when I pass isBtn with value true in the column object
Hope this code can help you.