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Yup compares min max date with build date instead of current date

So this is fairly strange and I can't understand where it's coming from.

I have a signup WS (in Node.js using Sales.js) where the minimum required age is 18 years old, the validation is done by Yup.

This is my yup schema:

const yup = require('yup');
const moment = require('moment');

const birthdate =
  .min(moment().subtract(115, 'years'), 'MIN_AGE')
  .max(moment().endOf('day').subtract(18, 'years'), 'MAX_AGE');

module.exports = {

As you can see from the example underneath, when I put today's date, it is comparing it to 2002-07-31 while it's supposed to be compared with moment().endOf('day').subtract(18, 'years') which would be 2002-08-12

Note that 2002-07-31 is the date in which I built the project. So if I recompile it now, I will no longer have that problem for today. If I retest tomorrow, it will compare it with today’s date! I have no idea how is this possible or how to fix it.

This is the error from yup:

"errors": [{
  "field": "birthdate",
  "code": "E_MAX_AGE_BIRTHDATE",
  "params": {
    "path": "birthdate",
    "value": "2002-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
    "originalValue": "2002-08-12T10:00:00.000Z",
    "max": "2002-07-31T21:59:59.999Z"

Any ideas? Versions used: moment 2.24.0 ; yup 0.29.2


  • Okay so I found the solution.

    As a matter of a fact, Yup will store the date you initially gave and compile it. It will no longer execute moment().endOf('day').subtract(18, 'years') each time you validate a date.

    For this, you have to use a test method, not min nor max.

    I have created an extension method to as following:

     * This function is used to format the error like date.min does
    function customValidationError(errorMessage, value, path, extraData) {
      const error = new yup.ValidationError(errorMessage,
      error.params = {
        path: path,
        value: value,
        originalValue: value,
      return error;
     * Extension method to
     * You should pass a function that will be executed each time you want to check again the current date.
     * @name yup.dynamicMaxDate
     * @global yup.dynamicMaxDate
    yup.addMethod(, 'dynamicMaxDate', function(path, errorMessage = 'MAX_DATE', maxDateFunction) {
      return this.test(path, errorMessage,
        (value) => {
          const maxDate = maxDateFunction();
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const error = customValidationError(errorMessage, value, path, {
              max: maxDate
            value && moment(value).isAfter(maxDate) ?
              reject(error) :
     * Extension method to to check if date is before a given date
     * You should pass a function that will be executed each time you want to check again the current date.
     * @name yup.dynamicMinDate
     * @global yup.dynamicMinDate
    yup.addMethod(, 'dynamicMinDate', function(path, errorMessage = 'MIN_DATE', minDateFunction) {
      return this.test(path, errorMessage,
        (value) => {
          const minDate = minDateFunction();
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const error = customValidationError(errorMessage, value, path, {
              min: minDate
            value && moment(value).isBefore(minDate) ?
              reject(error) :

    And to use those methods:

    const birthdate =
      // Note tham I'm passing a function to be executed when validating date
      .dynamicMinDate('birthdate', 'MIN_AGE', () => {
        return moment().startOf('day').subtract(115, 'years').toDate();
      .dynamicMaxDate('birthdate', 'MAX_AGE', () => {
        return moment().endOf('day').subtract(18, 'years').toDate();