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Swift 5 Alamofire 5 - Parse XML

How can I parse an XML response from a network request using swift 5 and alamofire 5?

This is the response I get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataSet xmlns=""
    xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" nbrfxrates.xsd">
        <Publisher>National Bank of Romania</Publisher>
        <Subject>Reference rates</Subject>
        <Cube date="2020-08-12">
            <Rate currency="AED">1.1186</Rate>
            <Rate currency="AUD">2.9324</Rate>
            <Rate currency="BGN">2.4724</Rate>
            <Rate currency="BRL">0.7634</Rate>
            <Rate currency="CAD">3.0904</Rate>
            <Rate currency="CHF">4.4964</Rate>
            <Rate currency="CNY">0.5916</Rate>
            <Rate currency="CZK">0.1846</Rate>
            <Rate currency="DKK">0.6494</Rate>
            <Rate currency="EGP">0.2566</Rate>
            <Rate currency="EUR">4.8357</Rate>
            <Rate currency="GBP">5.3638</Rate>
            <Rate currency="HRK">0.6466</Rate>
            <Rate currency="HUF" multiplier="100">1.3994</Rate>
            <Rate currency="INR">0.0549</Rate>
            <Rate currency="JPY" multiplier="100">3.8470</Rate>
            <Rate currency="KRW" multiplier="100">0.3470</Rate>
            <Rate currency="MDL">0.2478</Rate>
            <Rate currency="MXN">0.1842</Rate>
            <Rate currency="NOK">0.4582</Rate>
            <Rate currency="NZD">2.6941</Rate>
            <Rate currency="PLN">1.0966</Rate>
            <Rate currency="RSD">0.0411</Rate>
            <Rate currency="RUB">0.0562</Rate>
            <Rate currency="SEK">0.4710</Rate>
            <Rate currency="THB">0.1321</Rate>
            <Rate currency="TRY">0.5637</Rate>
            <Rate currency="UAH">0.1493</Rate>
            <Rate currency="USD">4.1087</Rate>
            <Rate currency="XAU">255.0694</Rate>
            <Rate currency="XDR">5.7841</Rate>
            <Rate currency="ZAR">0.2361</Rate>

What I need is the currency symbol and the value to be saved into an array of objects

struct CursValutar: Codable {
    let curs: [Currency]

struct Currency: Codable {
    let symbol: String
    let value: Double

I have tried some pods, but with no success.


  • You can use XMLMapper. Your model will look like this:

    struct DataSet: XMLMappable {
        var nodeName: String!
        var cursValutar: CursValutar?
        init?(map: XMLMap) {}
        mutating func mapping(map: XMLMap) {
            cursValutar <- map["Body.Cube"]
    struct CursValutar: XMLMappable {
        var nodeName: String!
        var curs: [Currency]?
        init?(map: XMLMap) {}
        mutating func mapping(map: XMLMap) {
            curs <- map["Rate"]
    struct Currency: XMLMappable {
        var nodeName: String!
        var symbol: String?
        var value: Double?
        init?(map: XMLMap) {}
        mutating func mapping(map: XMLMap) {
            symbol <- map.attributes["currency"]
            value <- map.innerText

    You can fetch and map this XML like that:

    AF.request(url).responseString { (dataResponse: AFDataResponse<String>) in
        switch dataResponse.result {
        case .success(let xmlString):
            let dataSet = XMLMapper<DataSet>().map(XMLString: xmlString)
        case .failure(let error):