I am trying to set up a cloud build trigger from a public github repository with the Cloud Build GitHub App. I installed the app on my repository and authorized it but when I was redirected to GCP to connect the repository to a project this error message came up:
Failed to retrieve GitHub repositories. The caller does not have permission
I suspect it may have something to do with having two factor authentication enabled on my github account, which I need for an organization.
I was able to mirror the same github repository from cloud source repositories without any issues though. I am the owner of the repository and gcp project.
Looks like the issue is due to having 2 factor authentication enabled on my github account. I disabled it and cloud build was able to connect with my repository. However I will need to have 2 factor enabled as my github organization requires it.
I hadn't mentioned the github organization i was part of had an ip whitelist configured on top of requiring 2 factor auth. I left the organization and reenabled 2 factor auth and cloud build was able to connect to my repo. Not sure why I would get the original issue if the repo is not in the github organization.
After looking more into this problem you either need to add GCE IP address ranges to the github organization IP whitelist https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/faq#find_ip_range or just disable the whitelist if able to.