Hi I want to ask is there a way to submit validate and link to other page in BLAZOR Thats how I link cancellation to other page
<NavLink href="@($"/personal/list/1")">
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="CloseModal">@Loc["cancel"]</button>
Thats my submmit button
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">@Loc["save"]</button>
Thats the Edit model for the button thats inside it
<EditForm Model="PersModel" OnValidSubmit="@CreatePersonal">
<FluentValidator TValidator="PersonalViewModelValidator" />
Thats the connection on Valid submmit to the API
protected async Task CreatePersonal()
var token = Storage["JWT-Token"];
bool personalExist = false;
Http.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
//Convert Selected values into the Pers database values
PersModel.Pers.Group = PersModel.SelectedGruppe?.Name;
PersModel.Pers.Anrede = PersModel.SelectedAnredeName;
PersModel.Pers.Grad = PersModel.SelectedGradName;
PersModel.Pers.Titel = PersModel.SelectedTitelName;
PersModel.Pers.Department = PersModel.SelectedAbteilungName;
PersModel.Pers.Group = PersModel.SelectedGruppeName;
PersModel.Pers.PrevDepartment = PersModel.SelectedPrevAbteilungName;
PersModel.Pers.PrevGroup = PersModel.SelectedPrevGruppeName;
PersModel.Pers.Uni = PersModel.SelectedStaetteName;
//on input select after editing the --Select-- is converted into value
BoolValue uh = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<BoolValue>(Storage["environment_uri"] + "/personal/exists/" + PersModel.Pers.PersName);
personalExist = uh.Value;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.LogWarning(ex, "Failed to load BoolValue uh");
Storage.SetItem("Transaction", "errorload");
if (personalExist == false && PersModel.Pers.PersName != "_add_")
await Http.PostAsJsonAsync(Storage.GetItem("environment_uri") + "/personal", PersModel.Pers); // thats the one i add here
Storage.SetItem("Transaction", "modified");
await OnParametersSetAsync();
else if (isEdit == true)
// here was post in original
await Http.PutAsJsonAsync(Storage.GetItem("environment_uri") + "/personal", PersModel.Pers); // this update
Storage.SetItem("Transaction", "modified");
await OnParametersSetAsync();
else if (isEdit == false && personalExist == true)
Storage.SetItem("Transaction", "errorsame");
await OnParametersSetAsync();
Thats the Validation class
public PersonalViewModelValidator()
CascadeMode = CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure;
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.PersName).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Bezeichnung).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Id).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Street).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.HouseNumber).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.PLZ).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Location).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.DateHired).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.FullTime).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Email).EmailAddress().WithMessage("A valid email address is required.");
//rule for the sieze max
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Comment_1).Length(0,40).WithMessage("Must be less than 40 characters");
RuleFor(data => data.Pers.Comment_2).Length(0,40).WithMessage("Must be less than 40 characters");
// not working
RuleFor(data => data.SelectedAbteilungName).NotEmpty().WithMessage("is a required field.");
RuleFor(data => data.SelectedGruppeName).NotNull().WithMessage("is a required field.");
//RuleFor(data => data.SelectedAbteilung).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Abteilung is a required field.");
//RuleFor(data => data.SelectedGruppe).NotNull().WithMessage("Test test");
So what is to SUBMIT all this information get feedback if there is validation errors etc link to the another page and get the message from Toaster for example
NavLink href="@($"/personal/list/1")
@if (Storage.GetItem("Transaction") == "modified")
Toaster.Success(@TLoc["success1"], @TLoc["success2"]);
I found a solution for it
public NavigationManager NavigationManager { get; set; }
protected void NavigateToOverview()
and then you just call this method after the result from the API
in my case was
else if (isEdit == true)
// here was post in original
await Http.PutAsJsonAsync(Storage.GetItem("environment_uri") + "/personal", PersModel.Pers); // this update
Storage.SetItem("Transaction", "modified");
await OnParametersSetAsync();