I want to remove the new line from the given string format
This is test;
This is new test;
This is new test2;
This is another string test;
this is more space string test;
Output should be like this:
This is test;
This is new test;
This is new test2;
This is another string test;
this is more space string test;
I know I can use regex expression or replace all with "\n" but in that case, all the string will be replaced in single line and the order of string which i want won't be maintained.?
One option would be to do a regex replacement on the following pattern, in dot all mode:
Then, just replace with a newline, to retain an original single newline.
String input = "Line 1\r\n\n\n\n Line 2 blah blah blah\r\n\r\n\n Line 3 the end.";
System.out.println("Before:\n" + input + "\n");
input = input.replaceAll("(?s)\r?\n\\s*", "\n");
System.out.println("After:\n" + input);
This prints:
Line 1
Line 2 blah blah blah
Line 3 the end.
Line 1
Line 2 blah blah blah
Line 3 the end.