iam using fullcalendar-Scheduler 5.2.
How can i expnad or collapse a resourcegroup? i know the resourcesInitiallyExpanded function, but i want to expand/collapse a specific resourceGroup.
i found an example: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/odNOWZ?editors=0010 but this is for an old version of Fullcalendar.
viewRender: function(view) {
$('#calendar .fc-divider .fc-cell-text').each(function(index, area_text_el) {
if (area_text_el.innerText === 'Auditorium A') {
i will use the resourceGroupLabelDidMount hook which gives me this args:
When the above hooks are specified as a function in the form function(arg), the arg is an object with the following properties:
el - the element. only available in resourceGroupLabelDidMount, resourceGroupLabelWillUnmount, resourceGroupLaneDidMount, and resourceGroupLaneWillUnmount
But where can call the click function?
Thanks !
Okay i figured it our yesterday (after some try'n error)
this is the way i do it:
if(info.groupValue === 'Auditorium B'){