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Why am I getting a logic error in this Karatsuba Multiplication?

I've read many blogs and examples of code but I'm trying to implement the Karatsuba multiplication through a way that is currently not logically working. Only single digit number multiplications are working, but any digits longer than 1 are displaying completely wrong answers. It should be able to take in long numbers of input, but I'm not allowed to use long int storage type. Also, it's meant to be able to multiply numbers of different base (1-10) however I'm unsure on how to do that so initially I'm just attempting base 10. This is my code so far:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include <sstream> 
int compareSize(string integer1, string integer2)
    int length = 0;
    if (integer1.length() > integer2.length())
        //allocating int 1's length as final length if bigger than int 2
        length = integer1.length();
    else if (integer2.length() > integer1.length())
        //allocating int 2's length as final length if bigger than int 1
        length = integer2.length();
        length = integer1.length();

    return length;

int multiplication( string I1, string I2, int B){
    int length = compareSize(I1, I2);

    //converting the strings into integers
    stringstream numberOne(I1);
    int digitOne = 0;
    numberOne >> digitOne;

    stringstream numberTwo(I2);
    int digitTwo = 0;
    numberTwo >> digitTwo;

    //checking if numbers are single digits
    if ( (10 > digitOne) || (10 > digitTwo) ) {
        //cout<<(digitOne * digitTwo)<<endl;
        return (digitOne * digitTwo);

    int size = ( length % 2) + (length / 2);

    int power = pow(10, size);

    int a = digitOne / power;   
    int c = digitTwo / power;   
    int b = digitOne - (a * power);  
    int d = digitTwo - (c * power);  

    int p2 = b * d;   
    int p0 = a * c;   
    int p1 = (b + a) * (d + c);
    //int final = p1 - p2 - p0;
    int sum = ((a*d) + (b*c)) ;

    int p = (p0*(pow(10,length))) + (sum * (pow(10,length)) + p2);
    //int p = ( p2 * (pow(10,size*2)) + ( p1 - (p2+p0)) * pow(10,size) + p0 ) * 100;
    // int p = (p2 * (long long)(pow(10, 2 * size))) + p0 + ((p1 - p0 - p2) * power);
    return p; 

int main(){

    string int1, int2;
    int base;
    cout<<"Enter I1, I2 and B: ";
        cin>> int1 >> int2 >> base;
    cout<<" "<<multiplication(int1, int2, base)<<endl;

    return 0;


  • The main problem is

    int p = (p0*(pow(10,length))) + (sum * (pow(10,length)) + p2);

    It should be

    int p = (p0*(pow(10,length))) + (sum * (pow(10,length - 1)) + p2);

    You shouldn't use std::pow for integers GCC C++ pow accuracy. I replaced it with my own version:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <sstream>
    int pow(int b, int e) {
        if (e == 0) return 1;
        if (e == 1) return b;
        if (e % 2 == 0) return pow(b * b, e / 2);
        return b * pow(b * b, e / 2);
    int multiplication(std::string I1, std::string I2) {
        int length = std::max(I1.length(), I2.length());
        int digitOne = std::stoi(I1);
        int digitTwo = std::stoi(I2);
        if ( (10 > digitOne) || (10 > digitTwo) ) {
            return (digitOne * digitTwo);
        int size = ( length % 2) + (length / 2);
        int power = pow(10, size);
        int a = digitOne / power;   
        int c = digitTwo / power;   
        int b = digitOne - (a * power);  
        int d = digitTwo - (c * power);  
        int p2 = b * d;   
        int p0 = a * c;   
        int sum = ((a*d) + (b*c)) ;
        int p = (p0*(pow(10,length))) + (sum * (pow(10,length - 1)) + p2);
        return p; 
    int main(){
        std::string int1, int2;
        std::cout<<"Enter I1 and I2: ";
        std::cin>> int1 >> int2;
        std::cout<<" "<<multiplication(int1, int2)<<'\n';
        return 0;