I am trying to pass a dictionary into a function like so:
<ng-template class="example-container" ngSwitchCase="twoTextFields">
<mat-form-field appearance="outline">
<input matInput (change)="onUpdate(field.db_name, {[field.first_db_name]: $event})">
<mat-form-field appearance="outline">
<input matInput (change)="onUpdate(field.db_name, {[field.second_db_name]: $event})">
It gives me many syntax errors similar to this:
Parser Error: Missing expected ) at column 26 in [onUpdate(field.db_name, {[field.first_db_name]: $event})] in @14:43 (" <mat-label>{{field.firstFieldName}}</mat-label>
<input matInput (change)="[ERROR ->]onUpdate(field.db_name, {[field.first_db_name]: $event})">
<mat-form-f"): @14:43
Is it possible to pass a dictionary as done above or not? If it is could I have some guidance on how it would be possible, otherwise it would also help to know if it is not possible! I am new to Angular so anything helps!
I'm trying to translate over some code I had from React and it would be much simpler if I didn't have to rewrite the change function. I also tried using ngModelChange
and I receive the same error.
Thank you!
Unfortunately, this triggers a syntax error. The main reason for this is that "[]" is used as a special character(s) in angular directives / templates.
You can do this instead:
<mat-form-field appearance="outline">
<input matInput (change)="onUpdate(field.db_name, convertToDict(field.first_db_name, $event))">
<mat-form-field appearance="outline">
<input matInput (change)="onUpdate(field.db_name, convertToDict(field.second_db_name, $event))">
Then on your code behind, you can create the helper function like so (in your app.component.ts):
export class AppComponent {
... truncated code . ..
convertToDict(key: any, value: any): any {
return {[key]: value}
onUpdate(fieldName: string, eventDict: any) {
... truncated code ...
This is a workaround if you still would want to have a dictionary of your data. We did it by using a simple helper / converter function.