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HTML5 Filereader always returns empty string?

I'm just learning how to use the filereader now, and I duplicated an example I found online to experiment with, but for some reason, the filereader always returns an empty string.

First, I have an HTML form for the user to select a file, which then calls the script:

<input type="file" id="filelist" onchange="selectfile()">

Here's the script:

function selectfile() {
        myFile = document.getElementById("filelist").files[0];
        reader = new FileReader();
        myResult = reader.result;

I have tried this with a number of different text files I typed up in Notepad, and in every case the results are the same. I'm only ever submitting one file through the html form.

The 3 alerts are for testing.

It displays the file name correctly. It displays an empty string for the result. It displays NULL for the error so it's not getting an error.

I searched around to see if there was something obvious here already, but couldn't find anything that seemed to point me in the right direction.



  • The FileReader object is not ready yet. You need to add an onload event listener to the reader and then make a call to the readAsText method. You can then access the file contents from inside the callback function.

    MDN docs -

    function selectfile() {
        myFile = document.getElementById("filelist").files[0];
        reader = new FileReader();
        reader.onload = () => {
            myResult = reader.result;
        reader.readAsText(myFile); // only accessible when the FileReader is loaded
    <input type="file" id="filelist" onchange="selectfile()">